Should video be on your homepage?

It’s a question that can divide opinion so depending on who you ask, you may get different answers.

We think it should be on your homepage. Video is too effective not to be and if you don’t add it to your homepage you will miss out. Video has been shown to improve conversion rates and sell more products and services, so adding video to your homepage makes sense.

However, the idea of video on your website has been slightly tarnished, due to poor quality, auto-playing, loud and brash videos that have popped-up and annoyed web users over the last 10 years. Making sure that your videos strike the right balance is important – but get it right and the benefits are enormous.

Here are 5 reasons why a web video needs to be on your homepage:

First impressions matter

Your homepage is often the first thing that your prospects look at before they contact you, so first impressions count.

Having a professional and high quality video can help create a great first impression. You could provide an overview on what your company does and how you can help them. Your video can position your business as a trusted authority that is knowledgeable and worth speaking to.

SEO benefits

Video provides many benefits for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Video is now a core part of search and the online experience, so having video content increases how many visitors can find your website. More visitors means more opportunities for people to watch your video and learn about your business.

Longer web visits

If your videos are compelling, interesting and valuable then your visitors will stay on your website longer. The longer spent on your website the more your relationship with your customers can improve, helping to guide them into a better understanding of your business. Longer website durations also signal to Google that your website is trusted and worth ranking.

Increased engagement

Video builds trust much more than just reading text. After watching, especially if your video has people in it, viewers feel a connection with your organisation. So, after a short video, your web visitors don’t feel like strangers anymore and are more likely to engage with your business further.

Sell more

It’s been shown that a good percentage of people buy after watching an online video. So videos can  result in sales and leads. Videos allow your business to develop potential sales opportunities for the future.

Complex products explained

If your product is complicated then it is much easier to explain using video. Simplify what the product does and focus on the benefits that it provides for your target audience. Video can help show your audience that your product is not as complicated as they might think and has numerous benefits for them.


We think that web video should be on your homepage. These 6 reasons demonstrate that video can help you generate web traffic, leads and sales.

Start using video on your homepage – and gain the benefits from doing it.

Are you using video on your homepage?

© Motiv Productions 2019